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IntroTalent - Partnership 

IntroTalent is a US based NGO that focuses on helping people, especially those in need of career development, to better place themselves in the market along with other professional services that may allow beneficiaries indirectly improving their career paths, education and social influence. IntroTalent has taken its commitments to the maximum in helping MEEL continue its production of Podcasts especially in fields of  business and tech with major focus on BizPresso and TechPresso podcasts due to the importance of awareness spreading in an era of continues fast growth in technology and fintech. 

IntroTalent provides many free services to people reaching its help for instance:

  • CV Review/Editing

  • Job Interview trainings

  • Career Advisory 

  • Education Advisory

To benefit from IntroTalent services please feel free to contact us or direct them an email via INTROTALENT (at) aol (dot) com with the following subject format:

NAME (first and last) - Country - Services needed as per below:

First Name Last Name - IRAQ - CV Review

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